We offer duplicate rank certificates to members; promotional certificates to individuals processed by a member dojang and or organization; and examinations. All persons seeking promotion by the Korea Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan Association to the rank of 7th Dan and above must first meet standard time in grade and promotional requirements and submit to an Examination via interactive video conference by a 3 person Korea Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan Examination panel.
Korea Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan Association does not issue rank without an examination. This practice is considered unethical and irresponsible and brings dishonor to those who have earned it the traditional way. Rank must continue to be earned and not given or it has no meaning.

Korea Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan
Rank Certificate
(All rank certificates are numbered and individually sealed with non-duplicatable water markings, etc.)
Receive a Duplicate Rank Certificate for your current rank from Korea Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan Association
Duplicate certificates require submital of acceptable rank certificate from recognized entity. Recognized entities include: Kukkiwon, Affiliated Dojang, Affiliated Organizations and Taekwondo Kwon's who conduct examinations in keeping with the standards of our Kwan. We reserve the right to reject any request for a duplicate certificate.
Requirements Required for issuance of Korea Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan Association Black belts:
All examinations conducted by the Korea Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan Association, affiliated dojangs or affiliated organizations must strictly follow the examinations standards as established by the Kukkiwon as it relates to time in grade, age and performance during examinations.
Promotional authority: An individual or examiner can only promote someone to a rank two levels below their existing rank (example, a 6th Dan Examiner can promote an individual to the rank of 4th Dan). An instructor may invite a recognized Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan higher rank to sit on an examination panel as the Chairman to promote individuals to higher dan levels; but, in all cases there must be a panel of 3 qualified high ranks.
All promotions to 7th, 8th and 9th Dan can only be authorized by the Korean Taekwondo MooDukKwan Association President. Examination fees for promotion to this level are paid directly to the Korea Taekwondo Moo Duk Kwan Association.
Examinations for High Dan (7-9th Dan) must be scheduled with Headquarters:
Korea Taekwondo MooDukKwan is dedicated to carrying on the traditions of the Kwan and maintaining quality standards. As such all members wishing to promote to 7th thru 9th Dan can only be tested with the permission of President. The President must be personally present to approve and oversee any examination for 9th Degree Black Belt.
Examinations can be scheduled with headquarters. If an individual meets certain circumstantial requirements exam may be scheduled via interactive live video system. All exams are pass/fail and conducted with trained, licensed or certified examiners who will score all aspects of exam against a quantifiable standard of quality.
All applicants who apply will be required to submit via email: an Application (one will be emailed to you when you submit form above), Passport photo, Taekwondo resume including list of all Dan promotions (level, date promoted & by whom) and the appropriate thesis document using the Kukkiwon required subject list.